Download Flight Events v0.0.2 Datasets

Below you will find links to download flight events v0.0.2 data files from January 1, 2022, to July 9, 2024. Each file is in Parquet format, providing a highly efficient way to store and manage large datasets. The datasets are separated into 10-day intervals. Please note that each dataset covers data up to, but not including, the last day listed in its name.


Please note that due to occasional system maintenance and technical issues experienced by our data provider, OpenSky Network, some of the datasets may have incomplete data for certain periods. We are continuously working with OpenSky to ensure data quality and integrity and will resolve this in the upcoming release.

Affected periods include December 2023, January 2024, February 2024, March 2024, and April 2024. Please review the data carefully before use and, if possible, exclude these periods in your analysis.

Available Datasets

Each dataset corresponds to a specific 10-day period and is listed below for easy access.

Automated Download

If you want to automate your downloads, you can generate the link for downloading using the following format where YYYYMMDD is the start date of the 10-day period:{YYYYMMDD}_{YYYYMMDD_next10}.parquet

The first date to start generating intervals for is 1 January 2022. As an example, for January 1, 2022, to January 10, 2022, the link would be:




We hope you find these datasets useful for your analysis and research. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

List of Acronyms