
The data is modeled according to the ER diagram in Section 1.

The FLIGHT, EVENT and MEASUREMENT tables are published under the Open Performance Data Initiative (OPDI) in collaboration with the OpenSky Network (OSN). The TRAJECTORY data comes from OSN’s State Vector data.

The first data release contains limited flight events from start-date until end-date, further enhancements are planned according to our Roadmap page.

Download the data here:

Table Reference Description Data Source(s) Version Download Link / Portal
FLIGHT Flight list OSN/PRC v0.0.2 Data portal
EVENT Flight events OSN/PRC v0.0.2 Data portal
MEASUREMENT Measurements OSN/PRC v0.0.2 Data portal
AIRPORT Airports OurAirports N/A CSV
RUNWAY Runways OurAirports N/A CSV

Further data will be made available in upcoming iterations. These updates will cover an extended time frame, additional flight event and measurement types, and additional flight events and measurements from different trajectory sources.

See the Roadmap page for our plans.

Retrieving Data on Trajectories

Given the FLIGHT table, one can, when the data source is OpenSky Network (OSN) fetch the trajectory from the publicly available OpenSky Network history database if needed. Based on the available icao24 or callsign, first_seen and last_seen one can perform a query to fetch the data.

The following tools are available for such queries:

OSN kindly provided State Vector data at 5-sec granularity for a bounding box covering (wider) Europe.

Bounding box for OPDI state vector coverage, SW=[-25.86653, 26.74617] NE=[49.65699, 70.25976]

We intend to make these trajectories available for easy download, see Roadmap page.

Relational Model

The diagram below describes the relationship between the different tables/entities in the OPDI dataset.

    EVENT {
        int id PK
        int flight_id FK
        string type
        timestamp event_time
        float longitude
        float latitude
        float altitude
        string source
        string version
        string info
        int id PK
        int event_id FK
        string type
        float value
        string version
    FLIGHT {
        int id PK
        string icao24
        string flt_id
        date dof
        str ADEP FK
        str ADES FK
        str ADEP_P
        str ADES_P
        str registration
        str model
        str typdecode
        str icao_aircraft_class
        str icao_operator
        timestamp first_seen
        timestamp last_seen
        date DOF
        str version
        int id PK
        string ident
        string type
        string name
        double latitude_deg
        double longitude_deg
        int elevation_ft
        string continent
        string iso_country
        string iso_region
        string municipality
        string scheduled_service
        string gps_code
        string iata_code
        string local_code
        string home_link
        string wikipedia_link
        string keywords
    RUNWAY {
        int id PK
        int airport_ref FK
        string airport_ident
        int length_ft
        int width_ft
        string surface
        boolean lighted
        boolean closed
        string le_ident
        double le_latitude_deg
        double le_longitude_deg
        int le_elevation_ft
        double le_heading_degt
        int le_displaced_threshold_ft
        string he_ident
        double he_latitude_deg
        double he_longitude_deg
        int he_elevation_ft
        double he_heading_degt
        int he_displaced_threshold_ft

    EVENT        }|--|| FLIGHT : has
    FLIGHT       }o--|{ AIRPORT : has
    AIRPORT      }|--|{ RUNWAY : has
    FLIGHT      ||--||  TRAJECTORY : has 
    MEASUREMENT ||--|{  EVENT : has

Figure 1: Entity-Relationship diagram for Milestone and relevant concepts.


The FLIGHT table models a flight list. It provides high level information about a flight such as origin/destination airports, day of flight, callsign and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 24-bit address.

This table is useful to reduce the scope of your analysis to a certain airport, and/or country and/or time period.


The AIRPORT table contains details about an airport such as ICAO/International Air Transport Association (IATA) identification code, the coordinated of the Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP), ISO contry and region…


The RUNWAY table provides details about each available Runway (RWY) at an aerodrome, i.e. their orientations, width, length, the threshold locations, …


The EVENT table provide 4D milestones that characterize a flight. Events allow to condense a full trajectory into a reduced set of milestones that are still useful for a specific analysis. For example a flight could be (simplistically) summarized by take-off, top-of-climb, top-of-descent and landing.

For more on Events see the Concepts page.


The MEASUREMENT table provides measurements associated to events. Some examples of measurements are cumulative distance flown or cumulative CO2 emissions.

For more on Measurements see the Concepts page.

List of Acronyms

Aerodrome Reference Point
International Air Transport Association
International Civil Aviation Organization
Open Performance Data Initiative
OpenSky Network